Boycott Shampoo - Demand Real Poo!!

Can anyone even read the above title? What good is a title you can't read?!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Plan:

Okay, I know that I should write more - really I do - but you have to understand something very important: I am very lazy. Actually, that's a lie. I'm not very lazy, I'm VERY lazy. Also, the weather is really nice here and I'm kind of enjoying sitting around most days (I have an awesome schedule this semester) and just listening to music; enjoying the stresslessness of it all. Also, I think I just invented a word that is awesome! Nope, just checked it against Merriam-Webster and it turns out that it's legit. Too bad. I know that I should write more often because, apparently, when I wait too long between posts, people go back and pick at my grammar and spelling.

So here is my plan: I plan on writing more. I know, you were expecting more than that, but that's all I got. I really plan on writing more posts starting soon. I just say soon because I hate pressure (remember: stresslessness is the word of the day) and if I give an exact day, I'll have to stick to it. Also, I would start today, but Olivier and I are going for a record on concert-going-to-s. (Is there a word in English? I know it in German, but can't think of one in English right now...) We are on day 2 of a 4 day stretch - 4 concerts, 4 days. Yesterday was Metric (Becky, I wanted to send you an email when you sent me one because I already had tickets at that time, but... well, see sentence 4 of paragraph 1 for an explanation), today is Neko Case, who is actually a member of The New Pornographers, who we will see tomorrow. Then Saturday is an electroclash band called Lesbians on Ecstasy. I don't know them very well, but I know that they toured with le tigre, who I love, so I'm hopeful that this will be a good concert. After that, we don't have tickets to anything until the 23rd. The 23rd!! I don't know what we'll do without a show to go to. Actually, though, I think Olivier was going today to buy tickets to The Editors which is on the 18th. That should fill the void nicely.

Okay, that's all for now, I have things to do before the show tonight. I do plan on writing again soon. Ciao!

Addendum: I don't want anyone to pick at my usage of the word "who" as opposed to "whom" in an attempt to be cute. I know when I should use "whom" (which is more than - dare I say - most people), I simply choose not to. It's my opinion that it's on its way out of the language, which suits me just fine, because I think it sounds pretentious.


At 9:49 a.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

A post, a post, hurrah! And YOU, I'm so JEALOUS of you! The New Pornographers???? I LOVE THEM!

At 1:52 a.m., Blogger Bari said...

Okay, just a quick note to say that the concert was awesome! Unfortunately, there has been a misunderstanding and Neko Case will NOT be playing with the New Pornographers tonight. Apparently the booking agents screwed up or something. Oh well, it will still be a good show.

Also, her guitarist was from Calgary, so I got to make fun of him for that, and it felt good because it's been a long time since I've made fun of a Calgarian to his face.

And, lastly, I bought a little package of fresh raspberries at the supermarket this morning and put it down on my desk before I sat down to start typing. The smell of them are wafting up at me and it smells SOOOO good. I want to do this again on purpose because it makes the world feel good. I recommend giving it a try.



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