Boycott Shampoo - Demand Real Poo!!

Can anyone even read the above title? What good is a title you can't read?!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I love the internet

Two posts in one day - lucky you!! This one is just quick to say that I love the internet. Anything one could ever want to know is on here (and plenty of things one wouldn't want to know). Just now I was reading the package for some rice I want to make. I competely understand every word for how to cook it in a pot except for one thing: the amount of water to add. It says, "3 EL Wasser." Now, the question is, what the heck is an EL? I was tempted to head down the hall and ask the one guy on my floor that I am comforable asking (although I've never done it before and wasn't looking forward to it), but I know that he went home for the weekend. So I checked the internet. Turns out that EL=tbsp. Simple as that. Thanks, Internet!


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