Boycott Shampoo - Demand Real Poo!!

Can anyone even read the above title? What good is a title you can't read?!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Getting mail is fun

I live in Germany. I have an actual German address. It's kind of fun because shortly after I got here I got a fair amount of mail. I had to get a bank account and health insurance and so all these different places were sending me stuff to confirm this piece of information and that. The thing I liked about it most, though, is that all these pieces of mail came addressed to "Frau Bari Pulles." That's hysterical! I didn't even see it coming, but for those first 3 weeks I was laughing my ass off just about every time I opened the mailbox. It was so funny, in fact, that I wish that they still sent me stuff, just so I could giggle and giggle. Frau Bari Pulles: that's funny.


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