Boycott Shampoo - Demand Real Poo!!

Can anyone even read the above title? What good is a title you can't read?!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Sometimes things work out in the weirdest way...

Okay, I still haven't been in any sort of headspace over the last few days to write about last weekend at all, but I have to tell you what's happened today.

First of all, I should say that the trip was cancelled because the guy who was driving got sick, and then there was another guy who got in a car accident the other week and so... now no one's going. It has been snowing in Munich lots and lots but that's not the reason.

Then I should say that Olivier is an absolute godsend! On Thursday he made me quiche (oh, yeah!) and we were going to go to Karaoke, but we started playing crib and... well, I'm sure you all know what happens when you start playing crib - it doesn't stop! So we spent the whole night playing crib and not going to Karaoke. That's okay because we went last night and had a great time. I, personally, had such a great time, that I have no voice today, which sucks because our plan was to find a New Year's Eve Karaoke Party and sing the night away. Whatever, having no voice has never stopped me in the past! Anyways, we found a NYEKP but weren't sure if we were supposed to buy tickets or what, so I took a nap and considered calling them to ask.

While I was napping, I got a text message from Geli (see Franz Ferdinand post) and she said (get this) that some of her friends were planning a Karaoke party and wanted to know if I wanted to join her. So I called her and I guess that her ski trip got cancelled, too and she just found out yesterday. So she is staying Munich and wasn't sure what I was up to and now, just like that, Olivier and I are going to this Karaoke party with Geli.

Don't get me wrong, I knew that things would work out, I just didn't think they'd work out this well...


At 7:31 a.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hi cutie, did you get my email about a trip to see you in February?

At 2:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weather is here, wish you were wonderfull!

At 6:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooooooooooo happy things worked out...ive been worried about you...hope the general rockin out keeps on keepin on
see you soon


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